년도 | 내용 |
2019년 11월 |
Hosted the 12th HUFS Debating Championships |
2019년 10월 |
Contracted a MOU with Dept. of Philosophy at Nanchang University |
2019년 07월 |
The Institute of Philosophy and Culture Published Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 41 |
2019년 06월 |
Held CORE International Conference : East and West as Centers in the Centerless World, hosted by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS and CORE Project Group |
2019년 02월 |
The Institute of Philosophy and Culture Published Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 40 |
2018년 11월 |
Hosted the 11th HUFS Debating Championships |
2018년 07월 |
The Institute of Philosophy and Culture Published Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 39 |
2018년 03월 |
Professor Seongmin Hong became a faculty member |
2018년 02월 |
The Institute of Philosophy and Culture Published Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 38 |
2017년 12월 |
Held CORE International Conference : Interactive Influence of East-West Thought as Mutual Exchange of East-West Culture, hosted by the Department of Philosophy and the Institute of Philosophy and Culture, HUFS and CORE Project Group, Busan University of Foreign Studies |
2017년 11월 |
Hosted the 10th HUFS Debating Championships |
2017년 07월 |
The Institute of Philosophy and Culture Published Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 37 |
2017년 06월 |
Professor Hee-Young Park retired The Institute of Philosophy and Culture Published Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 36 |
2017년 02월 |
entered International Humanities Forum: On the Status and Role of Humanities in the Age of Globalization |
2016년 12월 |
Hosted the 9th HUFS Debating Championships |
2016년 02월 |
The Institute of Philosophy and Culture Published Philosophy and Culture, Vol. 34 |
2015년 11월 |
Hosted the 8th HUFS Debating Championships and the 10th Demiurge Forum |
2015년 03월 |
Professor Young-woo Kwon became a faculty member |
2014년 11월 |
Hosted the 7th HUFS Debating Championships and the 9th Demiurge Forum |
2014년 02월 |
Professor Jung-geun Park retired |
2013년 12월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 17 |
2013년 11월 |
Hosted the 6th HUFS Debating Championships and the 8th Demiurge Forum |
2012년 12월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 16 |
2012년 11월 |
Hosted the 5th HUFS Debating Championships and the 7th Demiurge Forum |
2012년 08월 |
Professor Andrea Sauchelli moved to Hong Kong Lingnan University |
2012년 02월 |
Professor Lee Ki-Sang retired |
2011년 12월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 15 |
2011년 11월 |
Hosted the 4th HUFS Debating Championships and the 6th Demiurge Forum |
2011년 09월 |
Professor Andrea Sauchelli became a faculty member |
2011년 02월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 14 |
년도 | 내용 |
2010년 11월 |
Held the Homecoming 2010 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the Department of Philosophy |
2010년 08월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 13 |
2010년 03월 |
Reorganized into College of Humanities |
2009년 11월 |
Hosted the 2nd HUFS Debating Championships and the 4th Demiurge Forum |
2009년 08월 |
Professor Won-Myung Kim became Dean of the Department of Philosophy |
2009년 03월 |
Professor Won-Myung Kim became a faculty member |
2008년 11월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 12 Hosted the 1sh HUFS Debating Championships and the 3rd Demiurge Forum |
2008년 02월 |
Professor Byung-hwan Kim moved to the Department of Ethics Education, Seoul National University |
2007년 11월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 11 |
2007년 10월 |
Hosted the 2nd Demiurge Forum |
2007년 03월 |
made certification program for essay education |
2006년 12월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 10 |
2005년 12월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 9 |
2005년 10월 |
Hosted the 1st Demiurge Forum |
2004년 12월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 8 |
2004년 09월 |
Professor Yoon Sung-woo became a faculty member |
2003년 12월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 7 |
2003년 09월 |
Professor Chan-gu Park moved to the Department of Ethics Education, Seoul National University |
2002년 03월 |
Professor Chi-wan Park became a faculty member |
년도 | 내용 |
2000년 09월 |
Professor Byung-hwan Kim became a faculty member |
2000년 02월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 6 |
1997년 09월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 5 |
1997년 02월 |
Professor Seong-Wi Kang retired |
1996년 3월 |
Reorganized into the Philosophy major of the College of Humanities |
1994년 10월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 3 |
1993년 11월 |
Published HUFS Philosophy, Vol. 2 |
1991년 09월 |
Professor Youm Seong moved to Seogang University |
년도 | 내용 |
1990년 03월 |
moved to Yongin Campus |
1989년 03월 |
Reorganized into College of Humanities Department |
1988년 12월 |
Professor Youm Seong became a faculty member |
1988년 08월 |
Professor Hee-Young Park and professor Il-hwan Lim became faculty members |
1988년 03월 |
Admitted a educational course for secondary grade secondary teacher |
1987년 06월 |
Established doctoral course in the Department of Philosophy of Graduate School |
1987년 03월 |
Selection of freshmen at Yongin Campus |
1986년 07월 |
Publication of the 1st issue of the HUFS Philosophy |
1985년 02월 |
The first graduate of Undergraduate School of Philosophy |
1984년 11월 |
Graduate School of Philosophy established a master's course |
1984년 09월 |
Professor Ki-sang Lee became a faculty member |
1984년 03월 |
Adjustment of entrance quota of philosophy students (to 40) |
1983년 09월 |
Professor Bong-ho Son moved to Seoul National University, Dept. of Social Education |
1982년 09월 |
Established ethics education major in the graduate school of education (first in Korea) |
1982년 03월 |
Professor Jwa-Yong Lee became a faculty member |
1981년 03월 |
Admitted 52 students for Philosophy Department of the Seoul Campus College of Liberal Arts |
1980년 08월 |
Established the Department of Philosophy, College of Liberal Arts, (Seoul Campus) |